The Holder of Friendships

In Canterlot, in Equestria, go into the castle. Sitting on the throne will be an Alicorn, approach while holding at large a boring book you brought with you, and ask to see "the Holder of Friendships". The princess Alicorn will then ask if you're a friend of Twilight. Do not answer her, instead ask "Can you take me to her?" If she summons her sister, run away and don't stop till you're out of Equestria. You must also sleep only during day, for if you don't the nightmares will be disturbing far beyond what you can imagine. If she agrees, consider yourself lucky. The Alicorn will now get up and trot outside. Follow her out of the castle.
As you two walk out of Canterlot, the Alicorn will check to see if you're following her. She will stop when you reach a fork in the road, pointing left before flying back to her castle. Do not enter the forest, for while it is relatively safe during the day, there are all sorts of horrible creatures and mythical beasts roaming through it at night. Walk down this path past an orchard. Don't stop to read the name of the farm or venture into the orchard no mater how thristy or hungry you've become, or you will spend the rest of eternity harvesting apples while being raped by a large red stallion. You will know you are close when you see another town with a sparkly purple castle.
If you reach the castle without being enslaved and violated you will meet a purple Alicorn sitting on one of 6 thrones. If the other thrones are occupied, briefly say hello to each of the ponies creatures, then only talk to Twilight the purple one. She will ask you if she can see the book you're holding. Do not give it to her directly, or she will make you her study panterner forever. Instead, throw it at the small purple dragon that has just entered the room. The dragon will try to pick it up before draging it to the castle's library. Now ask her "Can I befriend them?" She will reply by crying like a little bitch and "hand" you her crown or medallion. You will wake up wherever the fuck you were before you were in Canterlot, how the fuck did you even get to Canterlot in the first damn place?! On your head will be the crown or you will be wearing the medallion.
The crown or medallion is object 1 of 6 of 12/13 of 538 or 2538. The crown or medallion will give you the abilty to cast spells, so praise Celestia!